In The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis employs his formidable talent for fable and allegory, this time exploring the questions of good and evil, and heaven and hell. The story -- which is set within a dream -- begins with the "author" finding himself at a bus stop in a dreary city. Lewis draws a compelling contrast between the "ghosts" who inhabit hell -- the Grey Town -- and the "solid people" they encounter at the bus's heavenly destination -- the Country.The ghosts are free to stay in the Country, in fact their friends and relatives who live there invite and urge them to. But most of them choose to return to the Grey Town since they are unwilling to give up their own prideful attitude, choosing one particular damning virtue above all else.Lewis observes that any natural impulse, no matter how virtuous, can become a false religion.
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Category: Spirituality (T14199)
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