You have been called to a lifeof sexual success!EveryChristian man is born into a sexual war. The enemy attacks the young, hoping toscar them permanently and leave them ruined. But your past is not enough tokeep you from the enduringly clean life you want and deserve.Clean is a priceless,no-nonsense resource for every husband, father, brother, son, friend, pastor, andChristian leader on the front lines of this war. It is a soldier?s handbook forthose ready to reclaim their homes, churches, and nations for the God who hasbuilt them to succeed.Dr.Doug Weiss has been clean for more than twenty-five years, and he has devotedhis life to helping other men achieve victory. ?This book,? says Dr. Weiss,?contains tested and tried weapons for you to get and stay clean, not for aweek, month or year, but for the rest of your life.?Cleanprovides you with biblical, practical, dependable weapons for seizing andmaintaining a clean life for yourself and those you love. You will even beequipped to reach out to your brothers-in-arms and teach them to walk with youin cleanness.?Ifthe Devil wants war, bring it on!? says Dr. Weiss. Join the battle! Yoursexual life is worth fighting for!
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Category: Christian Life / Social Issues (T14064)
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